Monday, May 21, 2007

Beware the Noise

A man once upon a time a long long time ago said, "العمى بقلبو اللبناني شو مسطول" and everyday in history since that day has proven the wisdom of this man.

The panic and fear engulfing the مساطيل makes them susceptible to any rumors that might answer their question "Whodunit?" Who's the big bad wolf? Off course the big bad wolf is banking on this chaos and on these rumors to feed the already pre-conceived convictions and ignite the pent up hatred.

Anyways this مسطول just wants to point out that some widely ciculated rumors, are just that rumors, and hopes that his مساطيل buddies do not adopt these propaganda lines as facts and speed up the nose dive into the shit pond that awaits us.

So here we go with some rumor control:

My general rule is the louder they bark, the more full of shit they are. I present Wiam Wahhab and Ahmad Fatfat as Exhibit A.

Let me start with 1.)the Hariri funding of Fatah Al Islam. That comes from former MI6 Alistaire Crooke who was quoted in Seymour Hersh's "Redirection" article published a few months ago. So before you run with it keep in mind that it is only ONE source.

2.) Assad threatening to burn the region from Caspian Sea to Timbuktu also comes from one source. But this time it is an unnamed diplomatic source who only spoke to An-nahar. Of course, Memri quickly picked up the story. For all of you who read مساطيل newspapers know very well, that all esteemed newspapers have unnamed sources that always come up with juicy quotes which are never corroborated. So this automatic indictment of someone following up on a threat is purely for political gains.

3.) The nutbags are not exclusively Palestinian, most of them are actually مساطيل with some nutbags from various other Middle Eastern countries.

4.) The Army was never provided with aide to prepare for fighting, all the footage show that our brave soldiers are being sent to battle without any HELMETS! How many lives could have been saved with appropriate protection of soldiers?

5.) There is no consensual support for army. Many people and I know some very moderate unreligious folks who actually sympathize with these and other nutbags.

6.) The مساطيل don't love life. A large number of people showed more outrage for the glass shattered in ABC than for the tens of soldiers and civilians dead during the day.

Feel free to add to rumor control, because the blind faith in what we are told by the various propaganda outlets is what got us here in the first place.


Khawwta said...

عجبتني كتير
يا شعب لبنان المسطول
وكتير بستعمل كلمة مسطول لأن ما بتفركش غير بمساطيل

What is "Occupation" said...

Ah summer's here and so is the new war!

but who could have predicted it would be palestinians verses the lebanese!

going to be an interesting summer!

Hilal CHOUMAN said...

أنا رح إعلق بأخو الشرموطة اللي كاتب فوقي

G, M, Z, or B said...

Lubnan il Karameh
Shaa'b il Mastool

New version of "bhebbak ya lubnan"

Moussa Bashir said...

agreed, and let those with ears hear.

Anonymous said...

Crooke "worked" in the Gaza strip in about 2000 for few years. He have had good relations with Israeli politicians and reporters. At the same time he have had good relations with the Hamas. If the "Haaretz" archives are computerized it will be easy to find some facts about him. He pretended to or realy did work for "peace" which some spelled "piece" but what "piece" I, an avid reader of every thing printed in Hebrew and English, can not tell. It is interesting that now or two years ago we see him as an expert on the secrets of Lebanon. I am just a retired intelectual with no special knowledge of any thing still I will count my fingers if I will ever shake his hand which I am sure will never happen.

Ibn Bint Jbeil said...

1063.) I want to talk about The BIGSHOT مساطيل.

These BIGSHOT مساطيل can't seem to find anyone to make war for them inside lebanon, as in 1975. They can only find a lot of hot-headed small-time lebanese مساطيل who like to parrot the political khara of the day (talk,) then go home to their families in the evening.

but most lebanese people are sick of it all, and patiently wait for The مساطيل to eventually stop trying and retire to their ivory palaces.

Anonymous said...

هلال انا كمان.
صرلي زمان بدي اعملها بس عمبطوّل بالي.

تحياتي لكل المقاومين،

الناطقة بإسم الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير المدوّنات من اخو الشرموطة اللي كاتب فوق هلال (لحتى ما اسمّيه)

(احزر مين)

Anonymous said...

most lebanese people are sick of it all
I am not so sure.

linalone said...

عم حاول أفهم شو هالغرام بينك و بين هالأخو ******* شو عاملّوا يا زلمي لحتى بيحبّك هالأد....

linalone said...

بعدين دخلك قرطة مساطيل بمساطيل، شو عم يعمل بيناتنا؟!

Anonymous said...

El msateel elli bifakkro inno Fateh el Islam wara tefjeerat Ashrafieh w Verdun.

El msateel elli bi7ibbo el 7ayet w mish 3arfeen inno jame3it 7obb el 7ayet killon mitwarrteen bi fadee7it Bank Al Madina. Speak up, Ms. Koleilat!

El msateel elli ba3don bi 2emno bi shi issmo 7orriyyeh w siyedeh w issti2lel. Li2annon bukra mitl el shatreen bass you3o 3a wad3on ra7 ydobbo ghradon w yfillo, mitl ma kill elli 2ablon 3imlo.

El msateel elli baddon y3eesho bi baladon. Y3EESHO w bass. Yeshteghlo, w y7ibbo, w yitjawwazo, w yjeebo wled, w yibno missta2bal bi Libnen b3eed 3an el mashekil wil siyesseh wil ta2ifiyyeh.

Moukhtassar moufid, eh, el Libneneh MASSTOUL. Bass mish el 7a22 3leih, haram, houwweh 2albo tayyib w byinssa deghreh~

As'ad AbuKhalil said...

And notice that the "attributed statement" quoted in An-Nahar based on an unnamed source, was officially denied, but nobody mentions the denial. Notice that it is now oft repeated by March 14th leaders and they unfailing add: "And it has not been denied!"

Anonymous said...

haida yalli shatreen fi ne7na.... criticizing, and calling names.... allah y3een hal sha3b shu ba3ed baddou yseer fi.. don't start telling me that it is their fault, and if they were smarter shit wouldn't happen to them.... I bet all the ppl who commented on this post are in no better position than most lebanese ppl i.e. they too are "MASATEEL"....
If you are more "intelligent" than the masateel you got, then show me what you beleive is happening, or try suggesting a solution...... but, no, we are so full of shit, and the only thing we can do describe others are stupid... That's the typical lebanese behavoir. Amazingly you can see it all over the world. El lebnani wa7dou yalli byefham.....

Even though Jamal criticizes all aspects of the lebanese soceity, I used to like this blog because he always presented some solutions, or at least what he thinks needs to be done. But now, it seems like Jamal is going with the typical Lebanese flow.......
Very unfortunate walla....
Please let's stop this name-calling process and maybe for once use "lebanese brother/friend/dude.. whatever" because who does not accept the word brother, will not accept "MASTOOL"...