Thursday, July 20, 2006

Angry Olmert Day 9

Beirut has been calm today. Again that's not the case in the South where for the second day in a row Israel is attempting to advance on the ground. Ariel Sharon is still shitting himself, while his understudy is scratching his bald head looking for a way out of the "Lebanese Mud".

Olmert is discovering that even in the driest month of the year, Lebanon is as muddy as ever for his killing machine. The high ceiling he set for this bloody adventure on Day 1 is looking more unrealistic with every passing day. Instead Olmert is looking for any trophy photo op to save face. Until then expect a plethora of crimes against civilians and barrage of lies to cover them up.

Olmert's problem is that he failed to realize that no one can figure out Lebanon, not even the Lebanese understand Lebanon. Lebanon is and has always been a permanently PMSing female.Thinking that he had it all figured out and that he could manipulate this little country, he proceeded with his little killing campaign. Well, that arrogance is only gonna get him a swift kick in the balls.

Olmert is trying to tame the untamable. Well let's see his face when he finally concedes that his only way out is through negotiations. It won't be the face of someone stuck in Lebanese Mud; It'll be the face of someone absorbing the full force of a Lebanese Khazouk.


Laila K said...

ye3teek el3afyeh jamal, to you and all the people who are making things easier for everyone stuck in this horror. you even give US strength, the sheltered ones in exile.

What is "Occupation" said...

stated: Ariel Sharon is still shitting himself

ok, now that is a colorful statement... but does it accomplish anything?

stated: while his understudy is scratching his bald head looking for a way out of the "Lebanese Mud".

ok, again, because he has no hair you find fault? as for your mud issue, i thought you said the israeli killing machine used f16s? they dont drive in mud....

stated: Olmert is discovering that even in the driest month of the year, Lebanon is as muddy as ever for his killing machine.

ok, so do you recommend israel use scuds and bomb civilains like hezbollah?

stated: Olmert's problem is that he failed to realize that no one can figure out Lebanon, not even the Lebanese understand Lebanon.

no it's easy to understand, kill those that seek your genocide.

stated: Lebanon is and has always been a permanently PMSing female.Thinking that he had it all figured out and that he could manipulate this little country, he proceeded with his little killing campaign. Well, that arrogance is only gonna get him a swift kick in the balls.

newsflash, if lebanon is such a pain in the ass, it doesnt matter whether to go in or not, nothing to lose either way, lebanon is a bitch.

stated: Olmert is trying to tame the untamable.

Lebanon is the biggest pussy in the arab world, they cant even control their own country

stated: Well let's see his face when he finally concedes that his only way out is through negotiations. It won't be the face of someone stuck in Lebanese Mud; It'll be the face of someone absorbing the full force of a Lebanese Khazouk.

we'll you may be correct, or maybe there will be no southern lebanon, just piles of broken concrete is that your wish? or simply return the 2 solders & disarm hezbollah and it could be over in a nano second...

j said...

As I read the comment section of this blog, I am disheartened to think that my country (the US) really is populated by fascist idiots. And I'm less inclined to defend Israel than ever. Let's start with this: "It's easy to understand, kill those who seek your genocide." Do the Lebanese people seek Israel's genocide? It looks like the truth is the reverse at this point. I don't know if that was an American that said that, but it is typical American ignorant fashion. There are other comments that are just as bad. There is a lot of blaming the victim.

Just a few more things and I'll leave you alone:

1) Don't criticize how the Lebanese run their government. Just look at our own fanatical leaders, a mirror image of the taliban or something - especially this phony Christian president who is leading us to ruin.

2) We, Americans, are responsible for this whole thing. This point has many sub-points, so I will just list one: the bombs falling on Lebanon were largely built by and financed through us. That in itself should make us sick.

3) Those of you who drive around in your dumb SUVs, and then are able to come home from your meaningless employment working for the man - and plop your fat American bodies on the couch in front of your (probably foreign made) TV, have no right to tell suffering people what they should or should have been doing. In America, we largely do nothing meaningful.

PS. If you would like me to leave the country, I would glady do so if someone provides me the permission slips needed. They are green and have former presidents on them. I will require many. Until then, to do take on what Hamlet said, "America is a prison to me." I've never been this disgusted with my country's policies. (and I've been pretty disgusted in the past.)


What is "Occupation" said...

Maxwell said...
As I read the comment section of this blog, I am disheartened to think that my country (the US) really is populated by fascist idiots. And I'm less inclined to defend Israel than ever. Let's start with this: "It's easy to understand, kill those who seek your genocide." Do the Lebanese people seek Israel's genocide? It looks like the truth is the reverse at this point.

mr maxwell...

Hezbollah is Lebanon, Lebanon Is Hezbollah, is every lebanese a hezzie? nope, but are the MAJORITY in the southern areas hezzies? YES

Hezbollah PUBLIC STATED POLICY is the destruction of the state of Israel...

want to argue that one?

otherwise Israel HAD complied with the UN and withdrew, it seems to me that Lebanon NEEDS to follow the UN and put into place 1559.

again, look at hamas & hezbollah and their PUBLIC statements for genocide, then let's talk...

j said...

To those of you who seem to want peace:

What should Israel do? It is a bogus question because none of this has as much to do with the kidnapped soldiers as the media would like us to believe. But if you are interested, there places you go and find out. Look at and go from there.

As for the rest of you, keep deluding yourselves about what American foreign policy is really about. (and Israeli policy, for that matter.)

OK. I have no more time to deal with redneck hillbillies. See ya.

Anonymous said...

Jamal, you really should go reread all the frantic bleatings of 'quagmire!' predicting tens of thousands of dead American soldiers in the taking of Baghdad. Or you could go back even further to the medaciously triumphalist coverage of a certain previous Arab-Israeli conflict, in which the media kept claiming imaginary victory after imaginary victory even as you lot were being rolled up like cheap rugs.

Get it through your head -- Hezballah lies.

Aussie Dave said...

Hi Jamal,

Thank you too, for the mini-debate. Didn't realize it would be that short.

I truly hope the Lebanese people, including yourself, are safe from harm.

jooj said...

:) at times when it is so hard to laugh or even smile.

Your khazouk post so correlates with the current situation.

I fear for for you and people like you. The lebanese need you. Intibih khayyi!

Jamal said...

I'm allowing comments no matter how idiotic they may be. You can even insult me all you want if it makes you feel accomplished, but DO NOT SPAM because that pisses me off!!

j said...

Jamal: Are you alright? It is almost noon east-coast US time. I've noticed that you've been posting at least once a day. I can't help but worry enough to ask.

Jamal said...

Spam is copy & pasted unoriginal material. For example:what Mr. Fearless is doing incessantly.

What is "Occupation" said...

the arab world loves to be defeated, then they can say they won, cause they are not all dead...

is it victory that they survived israeli's "killing" machine (so they say? I guess so, but if you look at the simple FACTS, israel has flown 2700 bombing runs, and shot how many tank shells and killed 300 people TOTAL (including hezzibolah-bitches) this does NOT sound like a killing machine to me...

take rwanda.... MILLIONS KILLED

take hama.... 10,000 murdered by syria in 3 days

take iraq... saddam butchered 400,000 of his own

take iran / iraq war 1,500,000 killed

take any other war in the arab world and see that the numbers are....

lebanon is positioning it'sself to be the new and improved "professional victim"

Élan Vital said...

Brilliant post Jamal, simply Brilliant. Lebanese Khazou ideed :p :p