Monday, June 12, 2006

Weekend Recap

Do I have to abide by the pact of honor? I am sure this blog does not qualify as a media outlet that’s causing tension between various communities of Lebanon or a media outlet period for that matter. But I do have at least double the readership of some of the Beirut dailies. Who the heck reads Al Liwaa or Al Sharq Newspaper?

I’ll play it safe though, from now on I will only talk positively of our divine political leaders since everyone has some good qualities. It isn’t fair to always point out their shortcomings. For example from now on it’s no longer criminal warlord Samir Geagea, instead it’ll be Doctor Samir Geagea, albeit with an extremely low patient survival rate.

On to the World Cup, I used to be very skeptical of witchcraft and voodoo. Saturday night, however, I witnessed Swedish players trip or slip every time they had a clear chance to score (which was pretty much all game long.) For a klutz like me to trip and fall is a very normal and common occurrence, but for world class athletes to spend 90 minutes on their asses something supernatural had to be interfering. Whatever it was I am happy for Trinidad who celebrated Zero-Zero as if they had won the World Cup. Off course, they’ve got nothing on the Lebanese who take to the streets celebrating after each single game played in this World Cup, Win, Lose, or Draw.

Finally, Brammertz turned in his second report, and The Truth is… lost.


JoseyWales said...

The truth is known to everyone with 2 brain cells.

It's the UN thing.

Ten years after we're all dead, the UN will report what every cab driver in Beirut knew 5 minutes after the explosion.

AbdulKarim said...

Jamal, let's hope the GHanaian black magic works out today against the Italians ;)

Yalla Chears

Anonymous said...

hey hey. That was hilarious. Loved the weekend recap. Sadly, despite my best intentions and an extreme dose of cynicism, i couldnt but watch the italy game yetserday and yes, it was mostly because 90 percent of the players are edible man candy in athletic disguise. Does anyone if the team has to send teenage girls fainting to be accepted? or is it blind pure utter luck that they are delicious? im going to start working on my italian.